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Now you can display your name after you shared the spammer site in Facebook groups. If you have read Random Images Meta Facebook Part 1, you've seen that Indah was a Proffesioanal Blogger after type her name into url
The first step, you put this code below at the top.
$searchQuery = $_GET['search'];
and don't forget to start with <php and end with ?>
Then you can display your name in facebook meta description with this a bit of code
<meta name="description" content="Hi <?php echo $searchQuery; ?>!" />
Now your name will appear after you type as if you save your file in search.php But..... the script is too long! Do you want or your friends type the url like this? I suppose you'll not. So, you must make this as short and SEO! Memorable and readable URL like
Lets play the code! You create a file .httaccess (don't forget with . punctuation) and insert this a bit code:
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /search.php?search=$1 [QSA,L]
This mean URL will redirect to main root.